4 Simple Tips To Ace Your Interview With a Staffing Agency

Job hunting can be a frustrating and difficult process, but when you work with a recruitment agency, it becomes easier to land your dream job and get a higher salary! Here are some great benefits of working with a Calgary staffing agency when looking for temporary or short-term labour jobs.

Looking for a new job is never easy, but one of the best things you can do is research, network, and always be on the lookout for new opportunities. To make this search easier, you can opt to work with a staffing or recruitment agency.

A recruitment agency can:

  • Edit and optimize your CV
  • Help you prepare for your interview
  • Ensure quicker job placement and higher salary
  • Match you to a job that perfectly suits your skills, credentials, and preferences

Leading Short-Term and Long-Term Job Placement Agency in Calgary

Matrix Labour Leasing is one of the leading staffing agencies in Calgary. Whether you are looking for a short-term labour job or something more permanent, we are committed to placing our employees in great companies and in a job where you will succeed and advance your career and skills to the next level.

Want to know more?


Top Tips For Landing a Calgary Job Through a Placement Agency

Some job seekers don’t want to use a staffing agency because they think that such agencies only provide entry-level, temporary jobs. Others think that agencies never provide benefits, but none of this is true.

A job seeker can use a recruitment agency to find a wide variety of jobs, including permanent jobs, in a number of industries.

If you have decided to work with a placement agency, here are some top tips on how to land a job through the agency:

1. Treat the Interview With the Agency Like the Real Interview

The staffing agency will likely set up an interview with you to get a better sense of your skills and experience. You must treat this interview exactly as you would an interview with a company and remember to:

  • Dress appropriately
  • Show up on time (or early if possible)
  • Use positive body language and introduce yourself with a firm handshake
  • Bring your resume
  • Be ready to answer common interview questions
  • Be prepared to complete a skills assessment to test your hard skills

By preparing for this job interview, you can ensure that your relationship with the staffing will begin on the best foot possible.

2. Be Honest About Your Goals

It’s very important to be honest and clear about your expectations during the interview with the placement agency. Remember to be honest about:

  • Your goals, whether that’s to land a permanent position, maintain your job flexibility, or develop skills that will make you a more attractive candidate for your next full-time job.
  • Your availability. If you are only available on the weekdays, for example, make sure to tell this to the recruiter at the staffing agency.
  • Your employment history. If you have an employment gap, tell the recruiter. They can help you figure out how to explain this to a potential employer.


3. Keep an Open Mind

Even if you are looking for a full time position, consider being open to temporary jobs or contract work. These can help you build your skills, which will be useful when you apply for your next full time job. In addition to this, if you impress an employer, that temp job might just turn into a permanent position!

4. Be Persistent and Patient

If you applied for a job through a placement agency and haven’t heard back, follow up within a week. Perhaps you weren’t right for that specific job, but the recruiter might be able to find something else that fits your skill set.

Check in with any staffing firm you’ve contacted once a week to remind them of your interest and demonstrate your eagerness.

Follow Up Your Interview With a Thank You

Don’t forget to email a thank you note to the interviewer at the staffing agency for their time and to reinforce your interest in finding a position.

Call Today

To find out more about how we can help fill your labor jobs with the right temporary workers, visit us at Suite 204, 11420 27th Street SE, Calgary, AB, T2Z 3R6. Alternatively, you can contact us at 1-866-666-9520 or fill in our online contact form.

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