4 Tips For Onboarding Your new Welding Employee

Are you looking to fill that vacant welding job? Here are the top tips for onboarding your new welder.

A successful onboarding process is an essential part of making new employees feel a part of the company culture right from the beginning.

Benefits Of Effective Onboarding

  • Builds trust between the employer and employee
  • Enhances employee engagement
  • Encourages open communication
  • Reduces employee turnover rate
  • Increases efficiency and productivity

Fill that Vacant Welding Job With Matrix Labor Leasing

At Matrix Labor Leasing, a leading Calgary staffing agency, we help you interview, screen, and test applications to choose the best employee for you based on the list of skills and requirements that you provide.

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Top Onboarding Tips to Keep Your New Welder on Track

On average, it will take four weeks for a new employee to feel oriented in a workplace. Poor onboarding can lead to low motivation and losing the new hire to a better opportunity. Have you just filled that vacant welding job? Follow these onboarding tips to ensure you retain new talent:


As an employer, you have the chance to make your new employee’s first impression of your company a positive one. This is important if you want to improve your turnover rate and keep crucial talent.

Here are just a few ways to make your new hire feel welcome:

  • Show them you’ve been expecting them by preparing their workstation prior to their arrival and letting their co-workers know which day they will be arriving.
  • Provide plenty of on-the-job training, starting on day one with simple, small tasks to get them comfortable.
  • Give them a mentor. Help any new hires deal with the inevitable confusion that comes with a new job by assigning them a mentor who they can go to with all their questions.
  • Get the paperwork done as soon as possible. This is essential and should be done in the first couple of days, or even before the new hire begins the welding job, so that they can hit the ground running.



Wrap up all the small things in the first two weeks such as any administrative details, or ordering equipment or tools. This will shorten the ramp-up period and will enable the new hire to focus on fitting into the company culture and learning the trade.

REMEMBER: When companies show interest and are efficient at getting new hires up to speed, they will feel more comfortable and confident.



For your welder’s first day on the job, make sure to do a site visit. Take them around the office or building, point out basic services and security codes, so that they understand the workplace better and feel more comfortable.

TIP: Personalize your tour with ‘insider’ tips on breakroom use, areas for downtime, transport, and best places to eat. 



One of the most effective ways to make a new employee feel welcome, and to lower your turnover rate, is to ensure that both you and your new welder have the same expectations.

During the first two weeks, make sure to set up a meeting and ask the following questions:

  • Does your new employee understand his/her new role?
  • Is this the welding job they expected?
  • Does the employee have any feedback or ideas for development within their department?
  • Does the employee feel comfortable with his/her new colleagues?
  • Are there any issues that need to be addressed?
  • What feedback can the new welder give about the onboarding process?


Call Today

To find out more about how we can help you fill that vacant welder job quickly and with the right talent, contact our Calgary office at 1-866-666-9520 or fill in our online contact form.

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