How To Work Safely In A Small Construction Crew


Due to the labour shortage and demand for skilled workers, small and sometimes short handed work crews are becoming common. If handled correctly these small work forces can be effective but the low number of workers mean that work hours can be long and busy. So how do you make sure you stay safe when working in one of these small crews? Let's find out:

Don't Cut Corners

With less co-workers there is often more work to do, and less supervision. Don't let this be an excuse to cut corners and to stop following safety procedures. If must not be tempted to stop wearing certain PPE because it's uncomfortable, as you have the responsibility to yourself and your team to stay safe. Even if it's just for a short period of time doing so is unacceptable - those safety protocols are there for a reason! The same goes for situations where you need backup, such as a spotter – if there is no one around, don't go ahead with the procedure. Being short on staff can be frustrating but by sticking to the operating and safety procedures you will keep you and your co-workers safe and this will increase productivity in the long run.

Training is Important

Regular training should be commonplace in any working environment and this is even more important for construction sites. When working with smaller crews it can tempting to become relaxed on worker training and daily toolbox talks, but even though such training can be expensive and inconvenient, it is not something that can be skipped. By regularly instructing employees, sites become both safer and more efficient.

Make the Extra Effort

Sometimes making an extra effort to inspect your work and your site seems like the last thing you have time for when you're low on co-workers but it can actually help you more than you think. By making sure everything is as it should be you will help ensure that there's no hidden mistakes that could compromise the project and your crew's safety.

Bottom Line

While working in a smaller construction crew can be trying at times, with the right approach and attitude to both safety and protocol, it is a situation that can be managed. We've covered a couple of the ways that you can make working in a smaller construction crew safer, and there's many more. But it all comes down to not cutting corners and adhering to safety protocol no matter what the circumstances. By doing this, you can keep your operations efficient and you co-workers safe.

For more information, contact Matrix Labour Leasing today on 403-201-9520.

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