Millwrights/Industrial mechanics

Millwrights/Industrial mechanics

Millwrights/Industrial mechanics play a crucial role in maintaining, repairing, and installing machinery and equipment in various industries, including manufacturing, mining, forestry, and construction. They are responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of machinery, reducing downtime, and improving efficiency.

In Canada, millwrights/industrial mechanics require certification or apprenticeship training. Apprenticeship training is typically four years and combines on-the-job training with classroom instruction. Once the apprenticeship is completed, tradespeople can write an exam to receive their certification.

The demand for millwrights/industrial mechanics in Canada is high, with many job opportunities available in various industries across the country. According to the Government of Canada Job Bank, employment in this field is expected to grow over the next few years due to the retirement of current workers and the increasing demand for skilled tradespeople.

The average salary for millwrights/industrial mechanics in Canada is around $35-$40 per hour, depending on experience and location. The highest-paid industrial mechanics can earn over $100,000 per year.

In summary, millwright/industrial mechanic jobs are essential in various industries in Canada. There is a high demand for skilled tradespeople in this field, and job opportunities are expected to grow in the coming years. Apprenticeship training and certification are required, and the average salary is around $35-$40 per hour.

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