Background Checks To Ensure Construction Staffing Needs

Background checks for potential hires can be a tedious part of the staffing process. What you need is a staffing agency that can streamline the process while conducting through and accurate background checks. A staffing agency expedites the application process as well, freeing up your time and resources. 

Matrix Labour Leasing Inc. has conducted accurate background checks on behalf of skilled construction workers in Western Canada for over twenty years. Our experience navigating this process means that we can easily cut the application process from 6 months fown to 3. If you are interested in taking advantage of our state-of-the-art background checks, call our Calgary-based office at 1-866-666-9520 or fill out the online contact form.  

What A Background Check Looks Like 

A comprehensive background check is an important step in the hiring process. A satisfactory verification sets the tone for the remaining steps. As such, one can argue that it is the most important step. 

Companies should endeavour to get the background check right. Whether they take up this responsibility themselves or recruit a staffing solutions agency to do it, they need to ensure that the verification process contains at the very least these checks:

  • Criminal records check: A complete criminal records check should encompass investigations at both the national and provincial level. Canadian criminal records checks can reveal the following offenses: indictable offenses, hybrid offenses, summary conviction offenses, absolute and conditional discharges, prohibited persons information, record suspensions, and youth crimes. 
  • Educational verification: This procedure entails consulting registrar offices and databases to confirm the individual’s student records. The results of the enquiry includes degrees obtained, GPA, and courses taken. 
  • Employment verification: Contacting companies’ HR and payroll departments reveal the individual’s work history. Information gathered includes start and end dates, salary, and whether the individual is eligible for rehire.
  • Professional organizations membership verification: The individual’s membership in a professional organization, if they belong to one, is authenticated. 
  • References: Personal and professional references are verified if the individual provides any. 
  • Driver records check: This step validates the individual’s license number and examines whether there are claims made against the license. 
  • Credit check: The credit report shows information on insolvency, bankruptcy, and payment history. 
  • Commercial vehicle operator registration check: This checks whether your candidate has a safe history of operating large vehicles. 
  • Drug screening: The drug test looks for traces of illicit substances that could indicate drug use. 
  • ID check: The individual’s identity documents need to be validated. 

In addition to providing a thorough background check, the applicant should also be cognizant of the numerous federal laws and regulations surrounding the proper handling of personal information. As such, it is recommended to entrust the background check to staffing agencies familiar with privacy and document protection laws.  

A Head Start for Your Background Check Needs

Construction firms that try to navigate the sometimes complex world of background checks sometimes might miss something. Otherwise, the process can severely slow down your recruiting process and delay your construction projects substantially. 

Partnering with a proven staffing agency like Matrix Labour Leasing Inc. is often the better idea when it comes to obtaining background checks on your workers. Our process is streamlined and effective, granting your workers the right to work on keystone industrial and commercial projects as quickly as 3 months. If you are interested in learning more about how Matrix Labour Leasing Inc. can expedite your workers’ applications, call our Calgary-based office at 1-866-666-9520 or fill out the online contact form


Should I be screening my potential employees?
Absolutely. Properly screening your employees is all part of the vetting process.

Should I be conducting background checks on temporary workers?
In construction, workers are often required to have specific certifications. These are important to screen for when looking for a potential hire. That is why background checks are so important.

How far back should the background check be? 
The background check should cover the last 5 years. 

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